a. Star Network
A star network is also known as star topology. A star network is designed with each node (file server, workstations, and peripherals) connected directly to a central network hub. The hub will control the flow of communication in the network. If one of the nodes fails, the star network will still function as long as the hub is working.
b. Ring Network
Ring network is also known as ring topology. A ring network consists of all computers and other devices that are connected in a loop. In a ring network, each node connects directly to the neighbouring nodes. If the device on a ring network fails, all the devices before the failed device are unaffected but those after the failed device will not function.
c. Bus Network
A bus network is also known as a bus topology. A bus network consists of a single cable to which all the computers and other devices are connected. It must have a common backbone (the central cable) to connect all the devices. If one of the nodes fails, the bus network will still function.